Monday, January 23, 2017


My mind is filled with anticipation of all that is hopefully to come....but I cannot begin without honoring and reflecting on gratitude and recognizing all the factors that brought me to this interesting bypass on my life's journey.

I begin a 4 month sabbatical today after teaching 34 years at Holy Guardian Angels School, Central Catholic High School, and for the last 6 years, Berks Catholic High School. I take this break to catch my breath and explore new sights and people and bring these back to my students at Berks Catholic.

Before this I must thank those who made this possible and who never questioned me. I thank the Diocese of Allentown for its support, as well as Tony Balistrere, Principal of Berks Catholic and Alice Einolf, Assistant Principal of Studies. I will try to "Do small things with great love"as your journal gift suggests.

Thank-you Nicole Smith, Director of Admissions at BC, for the heart-felt gift of the travel bracelet with St. Christopher there to guide me in my travels. Look for it as I explore!
Thank-you, Julie Gulling, French teacher at BC,  my biggest faculty cheerleader, who painted a reminder for me to "Embrace the Journey." And finally thank-you to Lauren Urban for the gift of holding my pictures to preserve for my future students. Life is a journey, and I'm taking the time to honor that.

Notes of support from other faculty and students also are inspirational. Mr. Olivard, I pass the baton to you, and I look forward to our classroom collaboration.

The ones who have truly encouraged me are those who are the most important in my life: my mom (who will help me keep tabs on BC happenings); my husband, who as the CFO in our house has assured me this is a wonderful opportunity; my children Alex, who already has Poe-related sights lined up for us in New York, and Emily, who when I was feeling doubtful about this process, encouraged me with her enthusiasm and pride in what I am about to undertake. I love you all!

BC Students: this ultimately is about YOU! I have enjoyed meeting you this first semester, and I hope I will continue to be a part of your freshman year experience. we go! 
Upcoming this week: a trip to the Shakespeare Library in Washington DC and an exhibit on "The Enigmatic Edgar Allan Poe" in Baltimore.

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